after TEXAS

Back from Texas! What a whirlwind tour. Absolutely crazy and fun. So many impressions, I don't even know, where to begin. I had only a few things right in my post 'Texas before'. 

Here a short list of the unexpected (and of course the expected): 

  • Speed limit is up to 85 mph in some places, which suits me rather well. Quite easy to get used to. Better watch it as I go back East...

  • Some (?) Texas toll roads have no barriers and it is frowned upon to even slow down. So everyone zooms right through. Nice! 

  • Most cars are huge, so are the roads and bridges, traffic is mild however and easy going.  

  • The pianos were wonderful all around and remarkably well regulated (a technical term for evenness of the playing apparatus).  I loved playing on them. Beautiful!

  • The food I had the pleasure of sampling was wonderful, lots of flavor, some with a Texan influence of breading (think juicy and crisp fried chicken as basis of departure). Yummy. 

  • But the most important are of course the people. The people were more than amazing! Open minds paired with warm hospitality. It made me feel so very welcome and made it quite hard to leave. 

Texas is truly a great place to visit, very American - as seen through my rather European eyes - old fashioned and cutting edge modern at the same time, with a wonderful self understanding and pride of place. 

I'm sure I'll be back! 


Photo Shoot (Part 2)


Photo Shoot (Part 1)